Annual General Meeting

Friday, November 8

9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

ONPHA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year as part of our annual Conference. The AGM itself is open to all ONPHA housing members, whether or not they are registered to attend the conference.

What happens at the annual general meeting?

Electing ONPHA’s Board of Directors
At the AGM, voting delegates have the chance to elect new representatives to ONPHA’s Board of Directors. Only one representative from each housing member organization is eligible to vote to elect directors. Members who are unable to attend are given the opportunity to participate in the election via a proxy vote, with information distributed directly to members each year in advance of the AGM.

Approving changes to ONPHA’s by-laws
The AGM represents the one opportunity each year for ONPHA’s Board of Directors to propose changes to the by-laws governing the association. If proposed, draft by-law changes are distributed to members with the AGM agenda package and put to a members vote at the AGM.

Voting on key resolutions
ONPHA welcomes resolutions from members to guide its policies and direction throughout the year. Resolutions are considered on an ongoing basis and directly by the Board of Directors, who may refer key resolutions to a members’ vote at the AGM. 

Annual updates from ONPHA and its board
The annual general meeting also offers members a chance to hear directly from ONPHA’s CEO and Board of Directors on the state of ONPHA’s operations, administration, financial position and strategic direction over the past year, and receive key updates on what’s to come.